Mind the Track is living within an 18” wide corridor of consciousness where the outside world melts away, your focus sharpens and you are present in the moment.
Nothing else outside that 18” matters. Only the track, whether it’s a single track in summer or a skin track in winter, moving to the rhythm of your breathing, heart rate and the endorphins pumping through your body, generating clarity, good ideas and positivity.
For those who mind the track, that 18” corridor is our church, our religion. It defines our existence on this planet and gives us purpose for getting out of bed every single day. It may be the answer to the age old question “why are we here?” To mind the track.
To be outside in the wild, where we’ve evolved over hundreds of thousands of years, simply being. The world we live in today is a new development in human history.
Never before have we spent so much time inside, and never before have we spent so little time outside. But not for those who mind the track, because we know the key to happiness and health is spending as much time in the track as possible, for that is life. That is being. And that is the essence of this podcast.