Hunga Tonga, Crazy Weather and Midsummer Hero Dirt | E18
After the best winter and spring ever, the best summer in Tahoe ever continues its run with a return of rain and mind-blowing hero dirt. @pow_bot and @trail_whisperer go mano a mano and catch up on a variety of topics including crazy weather and its relation to the Hunga Tonga volcanic eruption, nature’s signs of a big upcoming winter and the chances of an El Niño season, the “Amish bike” versus the Rumspringa (e-bike), an epidemic of bears getting hit by cars in Lake Tahoe, the migration of a wolfpack into the southern Sierra Nevada, preparing for 150 miles of new singletrack north of Truckee and an audience poll: do you wash your bike after every ride or do you just ride it dirty?
1:30 – Hero dirt in Tahoe in August! The encyclopedia of brown pow.
3:45 – Pow Bot gives Trail Whisperer a D.I.A t-shirt. Director of the Dirt Intelligence Agency.
5:00 – Trail Whisperer flagging new trail out by Boca, finding an old crosscut saw.
7:00 – Working for Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship and the Connected Communities project.
10:00 – Ground truthing new trail using a clinometer.
11:30 – The Verdi deer herd and their migratory paths.
13:00 – Brief uninformed history of Truckee – Gray’s Crossing and Coburn Station.
14:00 – Hurricane Hilary drenches southern California and Nevada.
15:00 – Donate to Maui Strong to help people who lost everything in the wildfire.
18:30 – The Hunga Tonga volcanic eruption and its effect on weather in North America.
23:30 – Are Lake Tahoe and Reno going to have an El Nino winter?
24:40 – Nature’s signs of a big winter coming
29:00 – Lake Tahoe and an epidemic of bears getting hit by cars.
31:30 – The brain check – like a chain check, but for tourist brains.
34:00 – Pro Tips – Do you ride your bike dirty or do you wash your mountain bike regularly?
40:00 – The Amish bike aka muscle bike aka push bike vs the ebike aka the Rumspringa
46:00 – Riding Martis in mid-August after 3 inches of rain. ALL TIME CONDITIONS.
48:00 – Pow Bot takes a break from drinking alcohol.
51:45 – The deeply ingrained culture of mountain biking and alcohol consumption.
53:00 – Tyrolian Downhill – originally called the Chinese Downhill.
58:00 – The migration of a gray wolf pack into the southern Sierra Nevada.
1:05:00 – Sendy send of the week goes to Nate Arnold and Keegan Swenson at Leadville.
1:11:00 – Pow Bot skis pow on Mount Elbert on May 5, Mount Hope couloir, A-Basin and Loveland Pass.
1:14:30 – Shout out to Matt Garrett – heal fast!