25 Years of the Downieville Classic | Greg Williams | E14
After a four year hiatus, the granddaddy of all mountain bike events, the Downieville Classic, returns in grand fashion on July 14-16, 2023, celebrating its 25th anniversary, and there’s no better person to interview than the man who started it all, Greg Williams. Not only is Greg the founder of the Downieville Classic, as well as the founder of Yuba Expeditions bike shop, but he’s also a co-founder and executive director of the Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship. In this episode all about Downieville and the history of the Classic, Greg shares his roots growing up as a kid spending summers along the North Yuba River, discovering old mining trails on his mountain bike that he showed friends, eventually turning into a guiding and shuttle business that shared the magic of Downieville with thousands of people around the world. Greg is full of wisdom and hilarious stories, but he’s also a heartfelt human who cares deeply about his friends, family and the event that’s transformed Downieville from a place that hated mountain bikes to a place would be nothing without them.